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Does a Lamp Consume Electricity when it is off?


Are switched-off lamps secret power guzzlers in your home? We'll tell you!

Does a Lamp Consume Electricity when it is off?

Basically, a lamp does not consume electricity when it is switched off. However, it is different with lights in standby mode, which have a power consumption of about 0.50 watts per lamp even when switched off. With these lamps, it is advisable to remove the power supply from the socket, because over the years the consumption can add up!

SmartHome: How High is the Power Consumption?

What about smart light bulbs that you can integrate into your SmartHome system? Even when the lights are not on, smart light bulbs remain switched on to ensure communication via the WLAN connection in the house. This way, the SmartHome system is always ready for use when you need it. However, this means that they also consume some power in inactive mode. But don't worry! The power consumption of a smart light bulb is so low that the extra kilowatt hours (kWh) are hardly noticeable on your electricity bill.

Which Light Bulb Consumes the Least Electricity?

Compared to halogen bulbs and incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs are the best choice when it comes to energy saving and lamp life.

Tips to Prevent Secret Power Guzzlers in your Home

If you want to reduce your electricity consumption at home, here are a few tips for you:

  • Replace your old light bulbs with efficient LED bulbs.
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room.
  • Remove chargers that are not in use from the socket or power strip.
  • When buying appliances that are often in use, such as televisions, refrigerators, ovens and washing machines, look at their energy efficiency.

A dimmer can also reduce the price of electricity. We explain how you can regulate the brightness of a lamp!


Lights do not cause additional electricity costs when you switch them off. The situation is different for appliances in standby mode, where it is worth unplugging them after use. Smart light bulbs also consume some electricity when they are inactive - however, a SmartHome system can also save a lot of electricity in everyday life, for example if you are out and about and have forgotten to switch off the light in the bathroom.